Friday, April 24, 2020

Salam Ramadhan from Malaysia! Lockdown Journey of COVID 19.

Salam Ramadhan to all my lovely readers,

Today marked the first day of Ramadhan in the year 2020. Definitely, this is a special Ramadhan since in Malaysia there is an extension of lockdown period to 12th May 2020. So there will be:

1. No congregational tarawih prayers at mosques.
2. No outside meeting with friends to break our fasting.
3. Stay where you are. There will be no driving back to our hometown/villages.
4. No bazaar Ramadhan (big market before breaking our fast)
5. Moderate eating to save our food supplies.

However, as a dedicated Malaysia citizen and the servant of Allah, it is our responsibility to take care of ourselves and everyone around us. I'm proud of Malaysian people since they are properly followed the lockdown really well since 18th March 2020. Be safe, stay at your own home and be positive. I'm working from home, writing COVID 19 research and online teaching.

Let us do our best to break the COVID 19 chain!

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