Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Outline PhD Proposal~

salam tengah hari :)

ok, mis dalam persiapan untuk mintak satu scholarship ni. dan dia memerlukan satu PhD proposal. alang alang tengah buat ni, biar mis kongsikan outline Phd Proposal k. UiTM stail.. (macam gangnam style pulak) hihi

Cover Page
1. Tajuk
2. Nama dan IC
3. Tarikh


Chapter 1

1. Background of Study
2. Problem Statement
3. Research Objectives
4. Research Question
5. Significant of the Study
6. Scope of Study

Chapter 2

1. Theoretical Framework
2. Literature Review

Chapter 3

1. Research Design
2. Data Collection Method
3. Sampling Design


p/s: ok, tu je. nanti mis bagi explaination yang lebih detail. Good Luck!

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