Saturday, December 4, 2010

award from miera hassan! thanks!


award ni diberikan oleh Miera Hassan by tagging.. terharu i! haha ni blog dia -- ( ok, ni soklan2 nye..

1. berikan gelaran kepada pemberi award.
Miera, i think that the most suitable and cutest nickname for u. :)

2. ucapan untuk pemberi award.
"Friendship is the golden threat that ties the heart of all the world" - John Evelyn.
Thanks for giving me the award. mengukuhkan lagi persahabatan kite! :)

3. Tag 3 orang blogger or follower anda:

p/s: award ni cumel!


noa said...

comei gile la award tu, suka suka suka =D

Fatin Husna said...

amik jgn x amik nora.. kihkih